
UI for JSP

JSP PanelBar

  • Part of the Telerik UI for JSP library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos and more!
  • Overview

    Telerik Kendo UI’s PanelBar control offers a professional and flexible navigation system with minimum coding efforts. The control's highly efficient semantic rendering guarantees fast responsive time and minimum HTML output. The PanelBar widget is ideal for presenting information in a limited amount of space via collapsible panels.

  • Animations

    Kendo UI PanelBar comes with built-in visual animations which are used to expanded or collapsed by end-users. With just a few lines of JavaScript you will be able to achieve professional looking toggling and expanding animations. PanelBar allows you to build expandable and collapsible side-menu systems, with cutting edge animations and limitless styling capabilities

  • Inherit Kendo UI framework features

    By using PanelBar widget, you will inherit standard Kendo UI framework benefits such as MVVM, Customizing Templates, RTL support, Globalization and Keyboard navigation

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