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Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX


What's Coming in 2023?

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX Team is excited to announce the product roadmap for the upcoming 2023 releases! 

To keep the flow of updates dynamic, we release interim updates that lead up to each major release. Here is what we plan for the year:

R3 2023

  • Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX SP1 in mid-July
  • Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R3 2023 due in mid-October

We value your feedback, and we encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts, plans and ideas for what you would like to see developed next in the ASP.NET AJAX suite in our dedicated feedback portal.  

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX

New WebForms Avatar Component

New component R3 2023

The new ASP.NET AJAX Avatar Component is a perfect match for displaying entities with small photos, custom icons, avatars, or initials in your WebForms apps.

Multiple Chart Enhancements

New feature R3 2023

The already robust ASP.NET AJAX Chart will be further enhanced with the following features:

  • Function for labels position property
  • Step property for the axes gridlines
  • Improved contrast between background color and text color
  • Background and border options for the labels

Accessibility Improvements in UI for ASP.NET AJAX


In 2023 we will be focusing on further improving the UI for ASP.NET AJAX components’ accessibility compliance levels and documentation. The Telerik WebForms library is undergoing an accessibility review based on an industry-standard testing process. Throughout the year we are addressing and improving multiple items and resources.

Most Voted Feedback Portal Items


As always, we listen to your feedback when shaping the product roadmap and plan to address multiple requested items from the feedback portal.

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    Next Steps

    Launch demos

    See Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX in action and check out how much it can do out-of-the-box.

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    Check out the offers. Purchase an individual suite, or treat yourself to one of our bundles.

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    Try Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX with dedicated technical support.