
UI for PHP

PHP Signature

  • Part of the Telerik UI for PHP library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos and more!
  • Overview

    The Telerik UI for PHP Signature component enables end-users to draw and place a signature using a mouse or a hand gesture on touch devices. The Signature component can be used as part of a standalone signature application or a web form. The key features end-users can take advantage of to customize their signatures and adapt it to their needs include different input options, stroke size and color, background configuration (with SVG support), and built-in save as image option.

  • Signature Options

    The UI for JSP Signature offers different input options, including drawing or uploading a signature from existing image. Users can conveniently choose between these options based on the use case requirements and preferred way of signing. 

  • Signature Configurations

    The Draw Signature scenario includes several configuration options such as stroke size, width and color as well as the ability to select/change the background color. The rich API of the UI for PHP Signature component includes methods for toggling read-only state, enabling/disabling the Signature, clearing its value and opening a popup form for drawing a signature.   

  • Signature Features

    The UI for JSP Signature component provides plenty of features for a holistic signature experience. It allows users to:

    • Take advantage of “Save as” command and reuse signatures 
    • Add a legal or other custom message for users to agree with before signing 
    • Integrate the Signature component in other PHP UI components such as the Form
    • Built-in export of a signature to image format
  • Signature Theming

    The UI for JSP Signature component supports 20+ built-in themes, including the four most popular—Default (our own Telerik-infused styling), Material (based on the Material Design guidelines) , Bootstrap and Fluent. You can also easily customize any of the ready-to-use themes with a few lines of CSS or create a new one to match your branding needs by using the Telerik SASS ThemeBuilder application.

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